Thursday, December 1, 2011

Book Lover's Holiday Hop

Welcome to the Book Lover's Holiday Hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer! Today on my blog I am giving away 2 kindle copies of my new book The Alias. For a chance to win simply follow the rules below and have a VeRy MerRy CHriStMas!!

To Enter:
1) Follow this blog (mandatory)
2) Add this book on Goodreads (+1)
3) Follow me on FaceBook (+1)
4) Follow me on Twitter (+1)
And leave a comment letting me know what you have completed so I know how many times to enter you. Also, don't forget your email address so I know how to contact you when you win!!

Visit all the other amazing blogs participating in this hop!!


  1. I did all four things. I'm excited about your book. mellocello1ATjunoDOTcom

  2. 1. Follow the blog and
    1. follow on facebook. I just read you book review The Alias and I'd love to read it.

    Thanks for the giveaway

    robinribbit at gmail . com

  3. Thank you for the giveaway. My entries are:
    1) Follow this blog (mandatory) GFC: June M.
    2) Add this book on Goodreads (+1) June Manning
    3) Follow me on FaceBook (+1) June Manning
    4) Follow me on Twitter (+1) @JuneAnnM

    June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  4. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! The book sounds great!

    GFC follower Gena Robertson
    Goodreads fan Gena Robertson - Alias on books to read
    Followed on facebook via robertsongena/Gena Robertson
    followed on twitter via mystchevia

    Gena Robertson

  5. thanks for the giveaway. I have read good reviews and it is on my goodread list. follow on gfc kelly fox just kelly on goodreads
    delivery.RN at gmail dot com

  6. thanks for the great giveaway.

    gfc: yto
    twitter: yto77
    fb name: elena vogel

    witchvela at web dot de

  7. Happy Holidays! Thanks for the great giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! I already follow via GFC (MamaHendo3).

    +1 Added to my Goodreads' shelf (Laura Henderson)
    +1 Already FB fan (Laura Henderson)
    +1 Already Twitter follower @MamaHendo3


  8. Thank you for the chance at your giveaway.
    I already follow you here: gfc: Sebrina C
    Follower on Twitter: @SebrinaC23
    and also FB: Sebrina Cassity
    And I added your book to Goodreads: Sebrina Cassity
    Thanks again,

  9. Thanks for the chance!

    GFC follower
    +1 - added to Goodreads
    +1 - follow on Facebook


  10. GFC follower!
    Added to goodreads (+1)
    Following on facebook (+1)
    Following on twitter @Beesha1 (+1)


  11. Loved the trailer!
    gfc jacque stengel
    twinmomx5 at gmail dot com

  12. maibyers at gmail dot com
    Goodreads: Michael (tattoogirl reads)
    twitter: maiinwonderland
    gfc: mai in wonderland
